What can you expect from Ozempic, a miracle drug for weight loss and more? Will your physical appearance change a lot? Will you feel more confident?
weight loss
Posted inMetabolism, Research
EraCal Therapeutics: Perfect Weight Loss Medication
A mild appetite suppressant pill to help you lose weight safely and quickly.
Posted inClinical Trials, In the Pipeline, Metabolism
Most Effective Weight Loss Drugs: Present and Future
Modern pharmacological ways to combat obesity.
Posted inClinical Trials, Metabolism
Tirzepatide: Strong Weight-Loss Drug
Losing 24 kilograms in a year and a half.
Posted inMetabolism, New Drugs, Regulatory
Mounjaro: New Dual-Action Drug for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Tirzepatide by Eli Lilly is a powerful new antidiabetic drug.
Posted inClinical Trials, Metabolism
Wegovy: Impressive Success of Semaglutide for Weight Loss
Novo Nordisk’s newest drug did well in treating obesity and overweight.
Posted inMetabolism, New Drugs, Regulatory
Wegovy: Most Effective Drug for Weight Loss
Semaglutide can help you lose 15% of your excess weight in a year. And even more.